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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reflection on Day 2 of training

Wednesday's training was very informative and very fast paced. I enjoyed working with the flip cameras alot and creating the video. I enjoyed it so much that I now want to create videos of my son, using his pictures growing up.

I feel that I have paid very close attention to the training in the last couple of days. It is alot of information being provided in a very short time frame and it requires my 100% attention. I have found my strengths to be using the technology tools once they are uploaded and working properly, especailly when I see the end-game or what I can use them for. I see that I have a weakness in troubleshooting when the tools don't work properly.

I feel that I have been professional in the training in that I have not used my phone or laptop during the training and instead have given the trainers my complete attention. Also, I feel that I am a teamplayer and demonstrated that when working in groups during the training.

J.J. and I created a video on Professional Dress and I enjoyed Windows Movie Maker. However, I am having a problem with the audio on Movie Maker. The audio worked fine before I posted it on my blog, but cuts off after a few seconds of the video now that it is on my blog. Any suggestions?

I really enjoyed Google Earth and the the Google Literature site. I love to read and especially enjoyed literature when I was in high school. WOW! If I would have only had this site when I was reading and studying my favorite Ernest Hemingway novel, "The Sun Also Rises."

Thanks for the great training - I'm looking forward to my final day!


  1. I really enjoyed Google Earth as well! Wednesday was very fast-paced and I am definitely going to need some time learning and figuring out all of the functions of these tools.

    Don't really have an answer for your is great as long as it works!!! Good thing we have Plan Bs!

  2. I have to say the Google Lit was also my favorite! I wish they had a more podcasts that linked the story with the locations.
